Muhammad Abdul Majeed Kamal
4 min readMay 9, 2021

You Can Quit Smoking Depending On Your Personality

Source: (Oh there is a woman…, 2021)

You smoke , You feel sexy ………..

Is it all related to attractiveness and sexy appeal when you see secret angels or celebrities chilling smokes through french inhale or retrohales

or you tried quitting and it didn't work , do you know why ?

It all relates to your personality

Before we jump into the five most powerful personality traits , lets find out what is your personality through this test.

  1. Openness To Experience
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Extroversion
  4. Agreeableness
  5. Neuroticism

Openness To Experience

If you are the type of person whose personality is high in getting open to experiences, so it means you are adventurous. You are happy in taking new challenges in life and are change-friendly.

So instead of just quitting on smoking , you can replace it with a super new habit like swimming , jet skiing , painting or even a trip to the amazon.

If you are low in being open to experiences, taking a very new route home or even breaking a long habit can be very disturbing to you.

So instead of just quitting on cigarettes, who is your ‘buddy’ on every time-interval or moment, you can replace the smoking habit with some healthier routine.

For example, if you used to smoke every time with coffee , you can replace cigarettes with small dark chocolate morsels which is increase your blood circulation and testosterones.

Source: (Boluk, 2014)


You are very lucky if you’re high on conscientiousness, as people with such personality are very good planners and are strictly goal oriented. So if you are smoking 10–20 cigarettes a day , you can make a plan of eventually reducing the number of smokes per day or per week and aim it to quitting on a specific date and time.

That day will come. and you will quit with no regrets.

With lower in conscientious, you are unable to resist the quick and strong urges and you want to find immediate gratification by submitting yourself to your ‘impulse control’.

The best strategy to quit smoking in such personality is to keep yourself away from the environment where you feel the urge and can is easily accessible to you.


You seem to be very friendly with random people and easy going with everyone that means you are highly extroverted person. Such people have a large network of friends and they usually spend time with their groups and are highly influenced by others.

Get support from your peer groups when quitting the smoking habit as it will encourage you to stick with the plan and avoid spending time with friends who are smokers.

Source: (Seigh, 2018)

If you are low in extroversion and seem like an introvert, then you need your personal reasons when deciding to quit smoking as the influences from your friends or family won’t do any help.

This path could be little harder for them as they are alone in the journey and their master is their ‘innerself’.


The people at the peak of agreeableness are those who pay attention to others with a considerate attitude and nourish a mutual understanding relationship.

They would respond to the warnings linked with smoking and its cancerous effects and also the dangerous outcome from second-hand smoking. They are most likely to quit smoking if they have a newborn or some elder at home who suffers from asthmatic problems.

Person with low in agreeableness finds it difficult to socialize with people, have trust issues and the behavior is motivated in terms of competition instead of cooperation.

So this trait personality before considering to quit smoking , he would look for information like, what percentage of people fail in quitting to smoke ?

If the task look impossible, he gets intrinsically motivated and starts the journey with competitive mindset to prove to succeed where many have failed. He can also be intensely motivated if some challenges him that he cannot achieve the ‘smoke-free’ status.


If you are high on neuroticism then you have more inclination towards depression, self-doubt , getting anxious along with other negative emotions When initiating to quit or reduce the intake of smokes , these people get high stress levels and find it very excruciating handling the nicotine cravings and its triggers.

People with low neuroticism have emotional stability and are less responsive to stress and feel easy to quit.

After the cessation of their smoking habit, they regret that they could have done this long time ago.

Muhammad Abdul Majeed Kamal
Muhammad Abdul Majeed Kamal

Written by Muhammad Abdul Majeed Kamal

A market research juggler and an author offering curious insights to break structured mind patterns and go beyond the logic.

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